Live Advanced Course in Suturing

Topics in LACS

✔ 11 Closure Methods
✔ 10 Exciting Case Studies
✔ 11 Hands-on Practice Modules
✔ Closure Basics Including Line and Needle Selection
✔ When and When Not to Close
✔ The A.C.E. F.A.S.T. Closure® Method
✔ Anesthesia Including Local Infiltration, Field Blocks, and Digital Blocks
✔ Proper Wound Cleansing
✔ Proper Wound Examination
✔ Foreign Body Removal
✔ Antibiotic Appropriateness
✔ When to Seek Surgical Consultation
✔ Current Tetanus Guidelines

✔ Proper Knot Tying
✔ Multi-layer Suturing
✔ Repair of Torso Lacerations
✔ Repair of Extremity Lacerations
✔ Repair of Head and Neck Lacerations
✔ C-spine Management and Imaging Related to Traumatic Head and Neck Lacerations
✔ Dog Ear Deformity Correction
✔ Undermining
✔ SPECIAL TOPIC: Pediatric Lacerations
✔ Repair of Scalp Lacerations
✔ Repair of Eyelid Lacerations
✔ Repair of Ear Lacerations
✔ Repair of Lip Lacerations
✔ Treatment of Open Fractures

✔ Repair of Nailbed Lacerations
✔ Repair of Flap Lacerations
✔ Repair of Buccal Lacerations
✔ Repair of Tongue Lacerations
✔ Repair of Joint Capsule Lacerations
✔ Treatment of Animal Bites
✔ SPECIAL TOPIC: Lacerations in the Anticoagulated Patient
✔ SPECIAL TOPIC: Managing Poorly Healing Lacerations
✔ Appropriate Follow-up Care
✔ Medicolegal Tips and Nuggets

Nashville, TN

LACS – Live Advanced Course in Suturing

Join Patton Graham, NP-C in Nashville, TN for LACS.

LACS is the in-person, hands-on version of the popular Online Suture Course and teaches 11 closure techniques each with a hands-on practice session using pig’s feet, 3 anesthesia approaches, and covers 33 topics (see details below).  Total session time for this continuing education conference is 12 hours, with 8 session hours on day 1, and 4 session hours on day 2, providing you with either an early departure or some additional free time in Nashville.

Cost: $495 – $535
Seats Remaining: Limited Seating

This activity provides 12 of the 30 emergency procedures contact hours required by the AAENP under Option 1 for ENP certification.


Aanp AccreditationThis activity is approved for 12.0 contact hour(s) of continuing education (which includes 2.0 hours of pharmacology) by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. Activity ID 18123473. This activity was planned in accordance with AANP Accreditation Standards and Policies.